As an institution with a profound commitment to the liberal arts, teaching is the lifeblood of New York University Abu Dhabi. I have taught a variety of courses across the Philosophy Program and the interdisciplinary Core Curriculum, including the following:
Advanced Logic
Central Problems of Philosophy
Fear of Knowledge: Truth, Justification, and Cultural Relativism
Introduction to Logic
Philosophical Foundations of Space, Time, and Motion
Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics
Philosophy of Science
Humanity and the Cosmos (co-taught with Matt Kleban, NYU NY Physics)
Progress in Science: Kuhn and the History of Science
The Galilean Revolution: Mathematics, Religion, and the Emergence of Modern Science
Graduate and undergraduate courses taught at previous institutions, prior to moving to the UAE, including the following:
Metaphysical Foundations of Space-Time Physics
Metaphysics of Causation
Modal Logic
Philosophy of Biology
Scientific Realism